This is our school! It is called "Escuela de Enseñanza Secundaria Nº 572". These are some photos of our favourite things and places:
- This is a photo of our school.We share the building with a primary school called "Escuela Primaria Nº 798". Here you can see the yard, the canteen or kiosk and the toilet for children. We like this picture because we spend the breaks in the yard having fun together.
Photo by Julieta, Nair, Sergio and Juan 3º A
- In this photo you can see the flag of Argentina. You can find it in the school yard. We like it because it is nice to enter school and see it waving in the wind.
Photo by Soledad, Sofía and Gabriela 4º A |
- In these photos we can see the canteen or kiosk at school. In this place you can find food and drinks (sweets, sodas, etc) and posters, maps, pencils, pens, rulers and erasers. We can see a lady called Carla. She is in charge of this place.
Photo by Fabiana, Silvana and Emilse 3ºA |
Photo by David, Brian, Alexis and Ludmila 3º A |
- We chose this mural because it represents all the people. This image shows the world, each person, each country, place and neighbourhood. We are all people who deserve to be treated equally.
Picture by Narela, Yamila, Jaquelina, Gastón and Cristian 3º A |
- In the photo there is a clown. He has got a yellow and black t-shirt, blue pants and big red shoes. He's got curly hair. We like this photo because a clown is a funny character.
Picture by Rocío G., Jimena and Rocío A. 4º A |